NIT2000 Game
The Game Begins
By tradition, The Game starts at noon on a Saturday and runs for
24 hours or so to approximately noon on Sunday. This year's game
begins a little earlier than normal, around 10:00 am, Saturday, June
19, 1999. The starting location is revealed to us the previous
evening: Horace Mann High School in Brooklyn.

Game Control member Hadi Partovi poses outside the starting location
with Team Purple member Jeff Pettiross. Hadi's smiling, but he must
already be exhausted. From personal experience, we know that Game
Control has probably already spent a sleep-deprived week putting
everything in place for The Game, and they won't get much sleep (if
any) in the next 24 hours either.

Bruce gets fingerprinted. All of us had to supply fingerprints for
some Game IDs. Game Control worked these fingerprints into a clue
later on.
Roger and Jeff in the minutes leading up to The Game's official
opening and the distribution of the first clue. In recent years,
Game openings have become more elaborate and theatrical. This year's
game had a spy theme, so Game Control staged a welcome ceremony for
a spy training academy.
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