![]() Larry and Jan mug for a shot with some junior high school girls as Angela looks on. Kyoto is the most popular destination for Japanese junior high school class field trips, and the springtime is the most popular season for these trips. There are school kids everywhere. (And every one of them gives a "peace" sign when photographed.) Some of the kids are from Tokyo or Kyoto, but others are clearly from the boonies—these are the ones who still find foreigners unusual enough to stare at. We discover to our amusement that many kids have been assigned by their teachers to strike up conversations foreigners during their field trip. These conversations run more like interviews, as the shy or embarrassed student tries to fill out a questionnaire as quickly as possible. The questions are always along the lines of, "Where are you from?" or "How are you liking Japanese foods?" The first few interviews are fun to give, and then it gets old. All the kids want to talk to Jan or Gerry. Angela and Larry's Asian faces make them immune to this attention. [ Previous ] [ Gallery ] [ Next: Larry and Gerry ] |